After many attempts, OnePlus has made a great high-end phone.
After a full second day of use on a single OnePlus 13 Smartphone Battery charge, it really dawned on me: the OnePlus 13 is a great phone.
I loved it right off the bat. I loved the soft-touch back panel, and the deep blue “vegan leather” drew me in from the moment I unboxed it. “Touch this phone,” I commanded as friends and I gathered for festive libations. The OnePlus 13 isn’t just about looks, either. After two weeks of testing, it’s proven itself time and again, with top-notch performance and days of OnePlus 13 Smartphone Batterylife. Really. Most nights, I keep my OnePlus 13 on a wireless charger next to my bed. But New Year’s Eve was different; the fireworks disrupted my routine, and I was confined to a folding bed next to my fireworks-hating toddler. Sleep was spotty, and the phone charger was out of reach.
I could have charged the phone the next morning, but I never thought about it. In fact, I completely forgot I hadn’t charged the phone the night before until I plugged it into a charger that evening with 40 percent of the battery left. Sure, Wi-Fi usage was short that day, but two days of worry-free use on a single charge? That’s pretty special. There were plenty of moments like that as I tested the OnePlus 13 — moments that made me sit up straight and pay attention.
These are exactly the things OnePlus hadn’t done in its previous attempts to build a true flagship device. After a few tries, OnePlus did it. This is a really great phone.
Battery life is another big strength of the OnePlus 13, and it’s no wonder the OnePlus 13 lasts so long on a single charge: It’s packed with a 6,000mAh battery. That’s impressive considering that most other Android phones top out at around 5,000mAh. It takes a lot of time to drain an entire phone in a day; I certainly didn’t do that in my testing. I turned on every battery-draining feature I could find: High-performance mode, always-on display, and the highest settings for the screen resolution and refresh rate. Even with all of those features enabled, I was usually only at 60 to 70 percent battery by the end of the day. Using the default “Balanced” performance mode, I ended the day with 80 percent remaining. Regardless, this OnePlus 13 phone batterywill last you for days.
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