Although the 10.1-inch Aspire One Pro 531 is aimed squarely at business users, its specs are on par with netbooks. However, its extra-longAcer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery life is a clear plus, while its simple design will undoubtedly appeal to some

Following Asus, Acer continues to churn out netbooks as if tomorrow’s supply is extremely short. The 10.1-inch Aspire One Pro 531 is billed as a business machine with enough Acer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery  power to last a full day without shutting down. It’s available in four configurations. The one we’re reviewing here is the mid-range 531h-06k, which comes with 2GB of RAM and a 250GB hard drive. Compared to other netbooks, the Acer Aspire One Pro 531 doesn’t really stand out.

Its minimalist design may appeal to some, and its long Acer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery  life is certainly a plus, but you can find other netbooks that can last longer without power and have better keyboards that work properly. Aside from its claimed battery life (more on that in a moment), the 531 isn’t much different from other 10.1-inch netbooks. The 1,024×600-pixel matte screen is plenty sharp, but the keyboard isn’t as wide as those on Asus and Samsung netbooks, so the keys feel a little crowded.

Bravura Battery The 531 couldn’t run our PCMark05 and 3DMark06 benchmarks. But with an Intel Atom N270 processor, 2GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA 950 GPU, it performed about the same as other netbooks with similar specs. It did pretty well on our Acer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery  rundown test, though. The good news is that Acer’s claim of 7.5 hours of battery life isn’t outrageous. The 531 ran for nearly 5 hours 15 minutes on the demanding Classic test and 8 hours 18 minutes on the less-demanding Reader test. That makes it one of the best road-going netbooks we’ve reviewed, behind only the Asus Eee PC 1000HE and Samsung N140.

Conclusion TheAcer Laptop battery life is very good, but that’s about the only thing that sets it apart from other netbooks. If you like minimalist design, it’s worth a look. This model comes with a relatively large 5,200mAh battery. While that adds to its overall size and weight, the cylinder that houses the three extraAcer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery  at least juts out from the rear of the case rather than the bottom, so the shape isn’t as awkward as some other big-Acer Aspire One Pro 531 Laptop Battery netbooks.

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By bella

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