Data from analytics firm Similarweb shows that the integration of OpenAI’s technology with Microsoft ‘s Bing has driven people to use the search engine and helped it compete with market leader Google in terms of page traffic growth. good competition.

Since Microsoft launched its AI version on February 7 , page views on Bing have risen 15.8 percent, while traffic to Google’s search engine has dropped nearly 1 percent, data through March 20 showed. The numbers reflect Microsoft’s lead in the fast-paced race against Google for generative AI dominance. The achievement of this status is mainly due to the support of the ChatGPT technology behind it. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence technology-driven natural language processing tool launched by OpenAI. It was called AI’s “iPhone moment” by Huang Renxun at the NVIDIA GTC 2023 held recently.

The agency said the change presents a rare opportunity for Microsoft to gain access to the more than $120 billion search market, where Google has been the dominant player for decades with a share of more than 80%.
DA Davidson & Co analyst Gil Luria said he expects Bing to continue to gain search market share in the coming months if Google continues to delay integrating generative AI into its products. New Bing, powered by ChatGPT, has been available to most users around the world since February, but Google only began publicly releasing its chatbot, Bard, on Tuesday.

“Bing’s market share is less than one-tenth of Google’s, so even if it converts 1 or 2 percent of users, it’s going to be a material benefit to Bing and Microsoft,” Luria said.
Bing saw an eightfold increase in app downloads globally after incorporating artificial intelligence, according to data from app research firm Data.AI. Downloads of the Google Search app fell 2% over the same period, the data showed. Still, some analysts say Google, which overtook then-leader Yahoo in the early 2000s as the dominant player in search, could use its size to overcome early setbacks and maintain its leadership in the field .